The Module codes have been simplified so that students can track their own degree programme and ensure that they meet all the requirements for graduation. GenNEXT uses a 2 alpha and 4 numeric classification of modules.

AB - 12 34

(A) - The first alpha code refers to the Faculty /Academy offering the module

(B) - The second alpha code refers to the Programme offering the Module

(1) - The first numeric refers to the level of the module

(2) The second numeric classifies the type of modules e.g:
1 = Degree Core
2 = Major Core
3 = Major Option modules
4 = Breadth modules
5 = Compulsory Breadth

(34) - The last 2 numeric is the module code

It should be noted that a major core module can be taken by some students as a breadth module. Students, when registering for a module, must declare whether they intend to read it as core or as a breadth module.

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