Students must maintain a cGPA of 1.5. If, in any semester, his/her cGPA drops below 1.5, the students will be placed on probation. In the following semester, the student must raise his/her cGPA above 1.5 to remove the probationary status.

A student who is on probationary status for 2 consecutive semesters will have his/her candidature at UBD terminated (Please see the University Examination Regulations and Procedures regarding probation and termination). The student may apply for a transfer in major or degree programme (Please refer to the section on “Transfers”).

In order to graduate with a degree from UBD, a student must obtain a minimum cGPA of 1.5 and satisfy all University, Faculty and major requirements (For BHSc-Medicine, refer to PAPRSBIHS rules & regulations).

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