In the GenNEXT degree, students are required to participate in the Discovery Year programme to broaden their knowledge and give invaluable experience in a real world setting. As such, the Discovery Year is an integral part of the GenNEXT degreee as it encourages real world and design centric learning. This is normally undertaken in the third year of study, in the 5th and 6th semesters of a candidature. Students must fulfill all Faculty and Discovery Year Unit requirements before they can proceed for their Discovery Year.
The Discovery Year options are as follows:
- Study Abroad Programme (SAP)
- Community Outreach Programme (COP)
- Internship Programme
- Innovation or Incubation Projects
Students are required to undertake any one or a combination of the 4 possible options in the Discovery Year. The actual programme to be undertaken should be worked out with the Faculty, Programme Leaders and Academic Advisors and is subject to the availability of places as well as a selection process. All students must have declared their major prior to leaving for their Discovery Year.
For SAP, modular credits and GPA are calculated on a per module taken. However, Internship, COP and Innovation/Incubation Projects, each have a value of 16 modular credits for one semester.
In cases where an SAP module is taken on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory or pass/fail basis, the modular credits count towards the credit requirement. However, for graded SAP modules, the modular credits will count towards the credit requirement, GPA and cGPA calculations. Internship, COP and Innovation/Incubation Projects can only be used for credit transfer (that is, they are graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis). Students who do not satisfy their Internship, COP and Innovation/Incubation Projects will have to fulfill their modular credit requirements for graduation by reading breadth modules in UBD.
Students may, in special cases, and on medical and compassionate grounds, be exempted from the Discovery Year programme. This will be considered on a case by case basis. For such students, they will have to take breadth modules offered by UBD. Recommendation must be made by the Dean of the faculty for such exemption and approved by the Assistant Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs).