Transfer of degree or major whether within a Faculty or to another Faculty must be completed within the first 4 semester of a student’s candidature. Students are only allowed one transfer of major or degree programme in their candidature.
a) Involuntary transfer
If a student fails a Degree Core or Major Core twice, he/she may apply for a transfer of degree programme or major. The maximum period of candidature (6 years for a single major student) will remain in force. All modules taken prior to the transfer (with a certain number of modules void) will be carried forward with the permission of the university.
A student may choose, if he/she fails a Major core twice to transfer to another major. A student must obtain the permission of the Programme Leader and Dean to effect a transfer of major. At the discretion of the receiving faculty, the student may be allowed to void up to 16 modular credits.
If the transfer is to another degree programme, the student must obtain the approval of both Deans of Faculties. At the discretion of the receiving faculty, the student may be allowed to void up to 20 modular credits.
b) Voluntary transfer
This applies to students who wish to apply for transfer of degree programme or major on their own accord. A student must obtain the permission of the Programme Leader and Dean to effect a transfer of major. If the transfer is to another degree programme, the student must obtain the approval of both Deans of Faculties. All modules taken prior to the transfer will be carried forward to the new degree programme or major.