On August 27, 2016 at the Pusat Tingkatan Enam Sengkurong, a pre-departure orientation was held for Brunei students who have been awarded government scholarships or government education loans to study abroad. Pg Dr Khairul Rijal bin Pg Haji Abdul Rahim of the Academy of Brunei Studies played a prominent role in the orientation through his participation in the Appreciation of the Malay Islamic Monarchy (MIB, Melayu Islam Beraja) Concept forum.
Pg Dr Khairul urged the students to uphold the concept while studying abroad and emphasised that the practice of Malay culture, the teachings of Islam and a monarchical government have collectively formed the basis of Brunei of society for 600 years and ensured peace, security, prosperity and happiness for the country and its people. In his talk, Pg Dr Khairul particularly focused on what he said were the three highest elements of MIB: to be ashamed to commit bad or evil acts, to have no other gods than Allah (Tawheed) and loyalty to the ruler. In addition, he expressed his hope that the students would always act virtuously and employ the correct manners, courtesy and discretion, and use sound judgment and intellect during their studies abroad. He reminded the students that after graduation they could become scholars, scientists and consultants who it is hoped will maintain, uphold and preserve the MIB concept.