Dr Stephen C. Druce
BA, MA, PhD (Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, Hull University, United Kingdom)
Stephen Druce joined the Academy of Brunei Studies in 2011 after having previously lectured at several UK universities and in Indonesia. For his undergraduate degree, Stephen studied the history, politics, anthropology and languages of Southeast Asia at Hull University’s Centre for Southeast Asian Studies. For his MA and PhD, which he obtained in 2005, he focused on history, taking a multidisciplinary approach to his research by employing a range of sources and methods, including oral, textual, archaeological, linguistic, geomorphological and geographic analysis.
Stephen has an eclectic range of research interests that reflect his multidisciplinary background and broad interest in Southeast Asia. These include various aspects of Southeast Asian history, the development and progression of complex society in Island Southeast Asia, the interaction between orality and writing in a historical context, regional Indonesian politics, contemporary conflict management in Southeast Asia, the history of Islam in Southeast Asia and gender. He has individually authored two books and many articles on Sulawesi history, archaeology and literature, and various other articles and book chapters on a wide range of topics, from early Borneo to contemporary Southeast Asian conflict management. At UBD, he teaches Brunei and Southeast Asian history and supervises a number of graduate students on a diverse range of topics in both the Academy of Brunei Studies, where he is Programme Leader in Graduate Studies and Research, and the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
Prior to his academic career, Stephen worked in precision engineering, was an English language teacher, translator, book dealer, and consultant for several NGO’s. He has spent many years in Island and Mainland Southeast Asia carrying out research, working and travelling.
The pre-modern and modern history of Southeast Asia; Development of complex society; Oral tradition; The interaction between orality and writing in a historical context; Ethnohistory (Sulawesi and Borneo); Gender in Island Southeast Asia; Regional Indonesian politics; Brunei International Relations; Conflict management in contemporary Southeast Asia; History of Islam in Island Southeast Asia (particularly Sufism and the Bugis and Makasar).
- Brunei International Relations/Brunei and ASEAN
- Early Polities along the Northwest Coast of Borneo with Special Reference to Brunei
- Orality and Writing in South Sulawesi and Beyond
- Early Southeast Asian Political Formations: Empirical Data vs Established Theoretical Models
- Tradition, Authority and Scripturalism: Four Hundred Years of Islam among the Bugis and Makasar of Indonesia
- Early Agricultural Communities and the Development of Complexity in Sulawesi
Authored Books / Monograph
- Druce, Stephen C. (in press). Sebuah sejarah Sulawesi Selatan dan Tradisi Lisan dan Tulisn, Abad Ke-13 hingga Ke-17, KITLV Press Jakarta and Penerbit Ombak, Yogyakarta.
- Druce, Stephen C. (2009). The Lands West of the Lakes’ A History of the Ajattappareng Kingdoms of South Sulawesi 1200 to 1600 CE, KITLV Press, 2009. (Read review: https://www.insideindonesia.org/review-telling-a-new-story-of-the-indonesian-past)
Edited Monographs / Journals
- King, Victor T. and Stephen C. Druce. (2021). Origins, History and Social Structure in Brunei Darussalam. London: Routledge.
- King, Victor T. and Stephen C. Druce. (2021). Continuity and Change in Brunei Darussalam. London. Routledge.
- Druce, Stephen C (Chief Editor). (2021). The Brunei Museum Journal 2021. Brunei: Brunei Museums Department.
- Druce, Stephen C (Chief Editor). (2020). The Brunei Museum Journal 2020. Brunei: Brunei Museums Department.
- Druce, Stephen C. (2016). Orality, Writing and History: The Literature of the Bugis and Makasar of South Sulawesi, Special Issue of the International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, volume 12, No. 1: 1-202.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
- Druce, Stephen C. (2022 in press). Brunei: History. In The Far East and Australasia 2022 (52nd Edition). London and New York: Routledge.
- Druce, Stephen C. and Asiyah Az-Zahra Haji Ahmad Kumpoh (2022 in press) Brunei and the World since 1984. In: Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Brunei, eds. Ooi Keat Gin and Victor T. King. London: Routledge.
- Druce, Stephen C. and Nani Suryani Abu Bakar (2022 in press) Contextualising the History of Brunei. In Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Brunei, eds. Ooi Keat Gin and Victor T. King. London: Routledge.
- Asiyah Az-Zahra Haji Ahmad Kumpoh, Stephen C. Druce and Nani Suryani Abu Bakar (2022 in press) Brunei Historiography. In Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Brunei, eds. Ooi Keat Gin and Victor T. King. London: Routledge.
- Druce, Stephen C. (2021) ‘Personal Reflections on Fieldwork in South Sulawesi and Engaging with the Work of Christian Pelras on the Bugis.’ In Fieldwork and the Self: Encounters, Confessions and New Trajectories in Southeast Asian Research, eds. Jeremy James and Victor T. King. Singapore: Springer.
- Druce, Stephen C. (2021). ‘A Comparative Analysis of the Brunei Origin Tradition with the Wider Austronesian World.’ In Origins, History and Social Structure in Brunei Darussalam, eds. V.T. King and S.C. Druce, London. Routledge.
- King, Victor T. and Stephen C. Druce. (2021). ‘Brunei Darussalam: Origins, Early History and Social Structure: A Celebration and Evaluation of the Work of Professor Donald E. Brown.’ In Origins, History and Social Structure in Brunei Darussalam, V.T. King and S.C. Druce, London. Routledge.
- King, Victor T. Stephen C. Druce. (2021). ‘Introduction: Donald Brown’s Brunei, Society and Recent Transformations.’ In Continuity and Change in Brunei Darussalam, eds. V.T. King and S.C. Druce, London. Routledge.
- Druce, Stephen, C (2020). A South Sulawesi Hero and Villain: Qahhar Mudzakkar (Kahar Muzakkar) and His Legacy. International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, 16 (2): 151-179.
- Druce, Stephen C. and Abdul Hai Julay. (2020). ‘Brunei Deals with Its Future.’ Limes Italian Journal of Geopolitics, 13/08/2020, https://www.limesonline.com/en/brunei-deals-with-its-future.
- Druce, Stephen C. and Abdul Hai Julay. (2020). ‘Il Brunei Fa i Conti Con Il Futuro’. LIMES - Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica, 6.
- Druce, Stephen, C. (2020). ‘The 900 to 1300 CE Asian Trade Boom and the Rise and Decline of Commerce in Brunei and other Northwest Coast Borneo Polities’. The Brunei Museum journal 2020.
- Druce, Stephen C. (2020). ‘Political Impasse vs Economic Development: An Analysis of the West Papua Conflict in Indonesia.’ In Managing Conflicts in a Globalising ASEAN: Incompatibility Management through Good Governance, ed. Mikio Oishi, Singapore: Springer.
- Druce, Stephen C. (2020). ‘Myanmar’s Unwanted Ethnic Minority: A History and Analysis of the Rohingya Crisis.’ In Managing Conflicts in a Globalising ASEAN: Incompatibility Management through Good Governance, ed. Mikio Oishi, Singapore: Springer.
- Druce, Stephen, C. (2020). ‘Of Native Concerns: Brooke, the Bugis and Borneo’. In Borneo and Sulawesi Indigenous Peoples, Empires, and Area Studies, ed. Ooi Keat Gin. London: Routledge.
- Druce, Stephen C. and Abdul Hai Julay. (2019). ‘The Road to Brunei’s Economic Diversification: Contemporary Brunei-China Relations.” In China and Southeast Asia in the Xi Jinping Era: An Edited Collection, ed. Alvin Cheng-Hin Lim and Frank Cibuka, USA: Lexington Books.
- Abdul Hai bin Julay and Druce, Stephen C. (2018). ‘第七章 外交’ (Chapter VII: Diplomacy [of Brunei Drussalam). In 一带一路”国 别 概 览文莱 (The Belt and Road Country Profiles: Brunei Darussalam. Dalian: Dalian Maritime University Press.
- Druce, Stephen, C., and Abdul Hai bin Julay. (2018). ‘第二章 简史 (Chapter II: A Short History [of Brunei Darussalam]’. In一带一路”国 别 概 览文莱 (The Belt and Road Country Profiles: Brunei Darussalam. Dalian: Dalian Maritime University Press.
- Hakim, Budinto, David Bulbeck, Stephen C. Druce and others. (2018). ‘Material Culture at Allangkanangnge ri Latanete in Relation to the Origins of Bugis Kingdoms’. In The Archaeology of Sulawesi: Current Research on the Pleistocene to the Historic Period, O’Connor, S., Bulbeck, D., & Meyer, J. Canberra: Australian National University, Terra Australis Series.
- Bulbeck, David, Ian Caldwell, Stephen C. Druce and others. (2018). ‘Imported Tradeware Ceramics and Their Relevance for Dating Socio-political Developments in South Sulawesi, With Special Reference to the Allangkanangnge ri Latanete Site’. In The Archaeology of Sulawesi: Current Research on the Pleistocene to the Historic Period, eds. O’Connor, S., Bulbeck, D., & Meyer, J. Canberra: Australian National University, Terra Australis Series.
- King, Victor T. and Stephen C. Druce. (2018). ‘Continuity and Change in Brunei Darussalam: A Celebration and Evaluation of the Work of Professor Donald E. Brown.’ Borneo Research Bulletin, 49: 289-295.
- Druce, Stephen C. (2017). ‘The Decentralized Austronesian Polity: Of Mandalas, Negaras, Galactics, and the South Sulawesi Kingdoms.’ Suvannabhumi: Multi-disciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 9(2): 7-34.
- Druce, Stephen, C. (2016). ‘Introduction to Special Issue’. In Orality, Writing and History: The Literature of the Bugis and Makasar of South Sulawesi, ed. Druce, Stephen, C. International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies 12 (Supp. 1): 1–5.
- Druce, Stephen, C. (2016). ‘Transmitting the Past in South Sulawesi: The hikajat Sawitto and Other Bugis and Makasar Historical Works. In Orality, Writing and History: The Literature of the Bugis and Makasar of South Sulawesi, ed. Druce, Stephen, C. International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies 12 (Supp. 1): 73–117.
- Druce, Stephen, C. (2016). ‘Not the “ASEAN way”: The Southern Philippines Conflict and Its Internationalization’. In Contemporary Conflicts in Southeast Asia: Towards a New ASEAN Way of Conflict Management, ed. Mikio Oishi, Singapore: Springer.
- Druce, Stephen, C and Efri Yoni Baikoeni. (2016). ‘Circumventing Conflict: The Indonesian-Malaysian Ambalat Block Dispute’. In Contemporary Conflicts in Southeast Asia: Towards a New ASEAN Way of Conflict Management. Singapore: Springer.
- Druce, Stephen, C. (2016). ‘The Birth of Brunei: Early Polities along the Northwest Coast of Borneo and the Origins of Brunei, Tenth to Mid-fourteenth Centuries’. In Brunei - History, Islam, Society, and Contemporary Issues, ed. Ooi Keat Gin, London: Routledge.
- Druce, Stephen, C. (2014). ‘Dating the Tributary and Domain Lists of the South Sulawesi Kingdoms’. In Cetusan Minda Sarjana: Sastera dan Budaya, ed. Ampuan Dr Hj Brahim bin Ampuan Hj Tengah, Brunei: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
- Druce, Stephen, C, (2014). ‘History, Culture and Globalization, with Special Reference to South Sulawesi, in Islam, Literasi dan Budaya Lokal, ed. Barsihannor, Makassar: Penerbit UIN Alauddin Press.
- Druce, Stephen, C. (2013). ‘The Dating of Thai and Vietnamese Trade Ceramics Based on Recent Shipwreck Data and a Note on the Use of Ceramic Data for Brunei History’, Janang
- Druce, Stephen, C. (2013). ‘South Sulawesi Before 1900 CE’, http://www.oxis.org/resources/languages-and-peoples-of.html.
- Druce, Stephen, C and Irfan Mahmud. (2008). ‘Tradisi Penguburan Tempayan Pra-Islam Bugis di Sidrap’. In Spektrum Kebudayaan di Sulawesi Selatan, eds. E.L. Poelinggomang and Anwar Thosibo, Makassar: Balai Arkeologi Makassar.
- Druce, Stephen, C, David Bulbeck and Irfan Mahmud. (2005). ‘A Transitional Islamic Bugis Cremation in Bulubangi, South Sulawesi: Its Historical and Archaeological Context’, Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs
- Druce, Stephen, C. (2001). ‘Exploring Early Political and Economic Ties between West Soppeng and Suppaq from About the Late Thirteenth Century until the Mid-fifteenth Century: Myth, marriage and trade’, Walennae 4: 35-46.
- Druce, Stephen, C. ‘Languages and People of South Sulawesi’. http://melayuonline.com/eng/article/read/303/languages-and-peoples-of-south-sulawesi
Cited Reports and Dissertations
- Druce, Stephen, C. (2005). The Lands West of the Lakes: The History of the Ajattappareng, South Sulawesi, AD 1200 to 1600. PhD thesis, Centre for South-East Asian Studies, University of Hull.
- Druce, Stephen, C. (1999). The mula tatimpaqna Sidénréng: A Historical Text from Sidénréng. MA dissertation, Centre for South-East Asian Studies, University of Hull, Hull, 1999.
- Caldwell, Ian and Stephen C. Druce. (1998). The Tributary and Domain Lists of Luwu, Binamu and Bangkala. Final Report to the South-East Asia Committee of the British Academy.
- Druce, Stephen, C. (1997). Report on the Vassal List of Soppéng. Report to the South-East Asia Committee of the British Academy.
- Druce, Stephen, C. (1997). The Vassal List of Sidénréng: An Investigation. Undergraduate Research Dissertation, University of Hull, Centre for South-East Asian Studies.
Book Reviews
- Druce, Stephen, C. (2021). ‘Review of Geneviève Duggan and Hans Hägerdal, Savu: History and Oral Tradition on an Island of Indonesia, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 52 (3).
- Druce, Stephen, C. (2016). ‘Review of Marie-Sybille de Vienne, Brunei: From the Age of Commerce to the 21st Century’, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 172: 404-406.
- Druce, Stephen, C. (2015). ‘Review of Martin van Bruinessen (ed), Contemporary Developments in Indonesian Islam: Explaining the ‘Conservative Turn’’. Southeast Asia: A Multidisciplinary Journal 15: 43–4.
- Druce, Stephen, C. (2014). ‘Review of Couderc, P. and K. Sillander (eds) Ancestors in Borneo Societies; Death, Transformation, and Social Immortality’, International Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies
- Druce, Stephen, C. (2003). ‘Review of W. Cummings, Making Blood White: Historical Transformations in Early Modern Makassar’, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies
Forthcoming Works
- Druce, Stephen C. and Wahuddin Halim. Tradition, Authority and Scripturalism: Four Hundred Years of Islam among the Bugis and Makasar of Indonesia (monograph).
- Druce, Stephen C, ‘Founders, fertility and rice: The Pre-Islamic Landscape of a Bugis Agricultural Ritual.
- Druce, Stephen, C. A Re-evaluation of Three Mid-sixteenth Century Portuguese Sources for the West Coast of South Sulawesi in the Light of Recent Archaeological Evidence.
- Druce, Stephen,C. Mitos, Perkawinan, dan Perdagangan: Menelusuri Ikatan Politik Ekonomi Awal antara Beberapa Kerajaan di Sulawesi Selatan. (One of seven chapters of a book on the history of South Sulawesi to be published by Ininawa Press, Makassar.)
- Druce, Stephen, C. The Lontaraq Balusu: A Palm Leaf Manuscript from Sulawesi.
- Druce, Stephen, C. Rethinking the Role and Function of gaukang Objects in South Sulawesi.
Newspaper Articles
- Hajah Donnaliza Abdullah Puasa and Stephen C. Druce. 2016. A historian par excellence: A legacy to Brunei history, Brunei Times, 31 March 2016.
- Druce, Stephen C. ‘Origins, rank, ethnic homogeneity and historiography: An evaluation of Donald Brown’s historical-anthropological work on Brunei. IAS Seminar Series: 19 February 2019, UBD
- Druce, Stephen, C. ‘Sejarah Kerajaan Ajattapareng dalam Tradisi Tulis dan Tradisi Lisan’, Invited talk hosted by Departemen Ilmu Sejarah dan Departemen Sastra Daerah, Hasanuddin Uiversity, Makassar, South Sulawesi, 11 September 2019.
- Druce, Stephen, C. ‘Memahami Sejarah Sulawesi Selatan (1200-1600) dan Tradisi Lisan dan Tulisan’, Invited talk at Universitas Negeri Makassar, South Sulawesi, 09 Sptember 2019.
- Druce, Stephen, C. ‘Collapsing the Mandala: Empirical Data from South Sulawesi Versus Theoretical Models’, Indo-Pacific Pre-history 2018 Conference, Hue, Vietnam, 23-28 September 2018.
- Druce, Stephen, C. ‘An Overview of Potential Threats to Indonesia’s Continued Prosperity’, Seminar on The Security and Prosperity of Southeast Asia, Organised by FASS and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 14 May 2018.
- Druce, Stephen, C. ‘Tracing the Roots of South Sulawesi’s Islamic Diversity’, Southeast Asian Studies in Asia 2017 Conference, organized by the Consortium for Southeast Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 17-18 December 2017.
- Druce, Stephen, C. ‘The Decentralized Austronesian Polity’, The 2017 International Conference of ISEAS/BUFS (Locating cultural characteristics of Southeast Asia as a whole), Busan, South Korea, 25-27 May, 2017 [invited speaker].
- Druce, Stephen, C. ‘The Bugis Queens and Female Aristocrats of South Sulawesi’, Southeast Asian Studies in Asia 2015 Conference (Consortium for Southeast Asian Studies in Asia), CSEAS, Kyoto University, Japan, 12-13 December 2015.
- Druce, Stephen, C. ‘Leaders, Leadership and Historical Continuity in South Sulawesi’, 8th International Indonesian Forum, ‘Discourses Exploring the Space between Tradition and Modernity in Indonesia’, Sebelas Maret University, Solo, Indonesia, 29-30 July 2015.
- Druce, Stephen, C. ‘The Emergence of Early Polities along the Northwest Coast of Borneo and the Origins of Modern Brunei, Tenth to Mid-fourteenth Century’, Southeast Asian Studies Symposium (Project Southeast Asia, Oxford University), Sunway University, Malaysia, 20 – 24 March 2015.
- Druce, Stephen, C. ‘Pengertian Sejarah Kuno Sulawesi Selatan dan Tradisi Lisan dan Tertulis’, Paper presented to students and staff at The Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar, Indonesia, 29 December, 2014. Invited speaker.
- Druce, Stephen, C. ‘History, Culture, Globalization and Islam, with Special Reference to South Sulawesi’ International Seminar on ‘Islam, Literacy and Local Cultures’, The Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar, Indonesia, 31 October - 2 November 2014. Keynote speaker.
- Druce, Stephen, C. ‘The Role and Function of gaukang Objects in South Sulawesi’, Southeast Asian Studies Symposium (Project Southeast Asia, Oxford University), Keble College, Oxford University, 22 – 23 March 2014.
- Druce, Stephen, C. ‘An Indonesian Hero and Villain: Qahhar Mudzakkar and His Legacy’, 3rd Nicholas Tarling Conference on Southeast Asian studies. Exalted heroes, demonized villains and losers: Altering perceptions and memories of leaders and leadership in Southeast Asia, c.1800 - 2000, Universiti Malay, Faculty of Arts and Social, 12 - 13 November 2013. Invited speaker.
- Druce, Stephen, C and Haji Mohd Rafee bin Hj Shahif. ‘Locating the Kedayan of Brunei’, Seminar Antarabangsa Penyelidikan Mengenai Melayu/Current Research on the Malay World (organized by the Academy of Brunei Studies, FASS and SOASIC of Universiti Brunei Darussalam and the Department of Southeast Asian Studies, University of Frakfurt), Universiti Brunei Darussalam, 29-31 March 2013.
- Druce, Stephen, C. ‘Autonomous Histories, Indigenous Voices: South Sulawesi History between 1200 to 1600 CE and Its Oral and Written Traditions’, School of Oriental and African Studies, CSEAS Seminar Programme, 21 April 2009. Invited speaker.
- Druce, Stephen, C and Ian Caldwell. ‘Tributary and Domain Lists as a Category in Bugis Historiography’. Annual ASEASUK conference, Liverpool John Moores University, 21-22 June 2008.
- Druce, Stephen, C. ‘Apakah Ada Perbedaan antara Tradisi Lisan dan Tradisi Tulis Mengenai Masa Lalu di Sulawesi Selatan?’ (Is there a difference between South Sulawesi oral and written traditions about the past?). Paper presented at Hasanuddin University, Makassar, 4 October 2007.
- Druce, Stephen, C. ‘Was Suppaq an Early Sulawesi Urban Centre?’ The International Institute of Asian Studies Masterclass on Southeast Asia: A centre of ancient urbanism? Leiden University, 22-26 February 2005.
- Druce, Stephen, C. ‘The Relationship between Oral Traditions and Written Historical Texts in South Sulawesi, Indonesia’. Annual ASEASUK conference, University of Leeds, October 2003.
- Druce, Stephen, C. ‘The Importance of Geography in Understanding the History of Ajattappareng: Initial Report on PhD fieldwork in Indonesia’. Paper presented to the Centre for South-East Asian Studies, University of Hull, March 2002.
- Druce, Stephen, C. ‘The Political Structure of the Kingdom of Sidénréng’. Workshop on the Early History of South Sulawesi, Australian National University, Canberra, 18-19 August 2000.
- Moderator of ‘The Malay World’ panel at the Brunei Malaysia Forum, Trans-Asian Networks: Continuity and Change, UBD, 14-15 September, 2021.
- Moderator of the ‘Borneo Historical Perspectives’ panel at the UBD-Borneo Studies Network Conference: Borneo Within, Borneo Beyond, 30th June – 1st July 2021.
- Chair of the ‘Budaya dan Masyarakat’ panel at the Seminar Antarabangs Penyelidikan Mengenai Melayu/Current Research on the Malay World, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, 29-31 March 2018.
- Chair and organiser of ‘The Monarchy in Southeast Asia: Past, Present and Future’ panel at the Southeast Asian Studies in Asia 2015 Conference (Consortium for Southeast Asian Studies in Asia), CSEAS, Kyoto University, Japan, 12-13 December 2015.
- Chair of ‘Historical Legacies in Southeast Asia’ panel, Southeast Asian Studies Symposium (Project Southeast Asia, Oxford University), 20–24 March 2015, Sunway University, Malaysia.
- Invited key-note speaker, at the International Seminar on Islam, Literacy and Local Cultures’, The Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar, Indonesia, 31 October - 2 November 2014.
- Invited speaker at, 3rd Nicholas Tarling Conference on Southeast Asian Studies. Exalted Heroes, Demonized Villains and Losers: Altering Perceptions and Memories of Leaders and Leadership in Southeast Asia, c.1800 - 2000, 12 - 13 November 2013 Faculty of Arts and Social.
- Chair of the ‘Naskah-naskah Lama Melayu Sebagai Sumber Sejarah Kebudayaan dan Pemikiran Umat Melayu Islam’ panel at the Seminar Antarabangs Penyelidikan Mengenai Melayu/Current Research on the Malay World, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, 29-31 March 2013.
- Member of the Main Steering Committee of the International Indonesian Forum, which holds annual conferences in Indonesia (https://iif.or.id/management-team/).
- Translated and transliterated numerous Bugis language and script manuscript texts from Bugis to English, which appear in various publications and dissertations.
- Translated and edited early twentieth century Malay manuscript text from Sulawesi from Malay to English. See, for example, Druce, 2016. ‘Transmitting the past in South Sulawesi: The hikajat Sawitto and other Bugis and Makasar historical works. In Orality, writing and history: The literature of the Bugis and Makasar of South Sulawesi, ed. Druce, Stephen, C. International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies 12 (Supp. 1).
- Translated and edited academic articles from Indonesian to English for publication. Two recent examples are: ‘The Pau-paunna Indale Patara: Sufism and the Bugis Adaption and Transformation of the Hikayat Inderaputera’ by Nurhayati Rahman and ‘Narratives of Sexuality in Bugis and Makasar Manuscripts’ by Muhlis Hadrawi.
Related Webpages
- The OXIS Group (https://oxis.org/)
- The Great Lakes Project (https://oxis.org/research/lakes/)
- The Palace on the Hill (https://oxis.org/research/alangkanangngne.html)
- Languages of South Sulawesi (https://oxis.org/resources-3/maps-ofsulawesi/data-maps/languages-and-peoples-of.html)
- Academia.edu profile: https://ubd.academia.edu/StephenDruce
- ResearchGate profile: https://ubd.academia.edu/StephenDruce
- Google Scholar profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=NZewhL0AAAAJ&hl=en
- Sejarah Kerajaan Ajattapareng dalam Tradisi Tulis dan Tradisi Lisan
- (http://ilmubudaya.unhas.ac.id/index/blog/2019/09/11/kuliah-umum-kerjasama-antara-departemen-ilmu-sejarah-dengan-departemen-sastra-daerah/)
- IPPA 2018 (https://oxis.org/news/ippa-2018-2.pdf)
- Special Issue of International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies (http://ijaps.usm.my/?p=3467)
- Drivers of State Formation (https://oxis.org/news/drivers-of-state-formation.html)
- Stephen Druce on the Mandala and Islam in South Sulawesi (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxs3NSUwF8k)
- Palontaraq dalam Penelitian Stephen C. Druce (https://palontaraq.id/2019/05/14/palontaraq-dalam-penelitian-stephen-c-druce/)
- Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia (KITLV, Netherlands)
- The Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (Cambridge University Press)
- Diplomacy and Statecraft (Taylor & Francis)
- Review of Indonesian Malaysian Affairs (Association for the Publication of Indonesian and Malaysian Studies Inc, Australia)
- Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (MBRAS)
- Australian National University Press (Terra Australis series)
- Australian National University Press (Book series)
- International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies (USM Press)
- International Journal of Historical Archaeology (Springer)
- Suvannabhumi: Multi-disciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (Institute for Southeast Asian Studies, Busan University of Foreign Studies)
- Kemanusian: The Asian Journal of Humanities (USM Press)
- Walennae: Jurnal Arkeologi Sulawesi Selatan & Tenggara (Makassar Archaeological Office).
- Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional (Brazilian Institute of International Relations, IBRI)
- River Books (Thailand)
Other Reviewing
- Reviewer for International Indonesian Forum conference paper submissions (annual)
- Reviewer for Arkeologi, Sejarah dan Budaya di Alam Melayu (ASBAM) conference papers for publication
Undergraduate Modules
- PB-1302 Brunei History and Sultanate
- PB-1502 Introduction to Brunei Darussalam
- AH-1202 The Making of Brunei Darussalam
- PB- 3402 The History of Brunei Darussalm in Regional and Global Context
- AB 2104 Kesultanan Melayu
- PB-4308/PB-4208 Research Project, Brunei Studies (various topics)
- AH-4301/AH-4201 Research Project, Historical and International Studies (various topics)
- PB-4301 & PB-4308 Community Project
- AH-5301 Major Themes in the Premodern History of Southeast Asia
- AF-5202 History of Southeast Asia
- Supervision of Internship Students
Other Teaching
- UBD Global Discovery Programme (Brunei History)
- Supervisor and Examiner for The 25th Executive Development Programme for Middle Management Officers (25th RDPMMO), 2017.
- Lecturer on the Asia Pacific Leaders Education Program (2013 & 2014)
- AF-5205 Research Exercise, MA in Southeast Asian Studies
- AQ-5101 Research Methodology (MA by Research students)
- AQ-6101 Advanced Research Methodology (PhD students)
Graduate Supervision
PhD Supervision in Brunei Studies and Historical Studies
- Supervised various topics relating to Brunei and Southeast Asia.
Recently completed students include Nur Amalai Aminnuddin (Academy of Brunei Studies). Title: ‘Beliefs, Religiosity, and Behaviour of Malay Muslim Teachers of Mainstream and Religious Schools in Brunei: Predicting Islamic Ethical work Behaviour through an Augmented Theory of Planned Behaviour with Religiosity’.
MA by Research Supervision in Brunei Studies and Historical Studies)
- Supervised various topics relating to Brunei and Southeast Asia, including the following titles: ‘A Historical Archaeology Approach to Islam and Trade in Brunei’; ‘Divine Rulership in Austronesian-speaking Southeast Asia: From the Early Period to the Present’; ‘Understanding the Underlying Causes of Recidivism and its Mitigation in Brunei Darussalam’.
Master of Defence and Security Studies, Institute of Policy Studies
- Supervised several students on International relations and terrorism topics, including the following topics: ‘The Nexus between Transnational Crime and Terrorism in South East Asia: An ASEAN Challenge’; ‘The South China Sea Issue was Never about resources but Geostrategy’.
Command and Staff Course, Graduate Diploma of Defence and Security Studies (Individual Research Project)
- Supervised numerous students on topics relating to security, defence and international relations.
Main Administrative Positions at UBD
- 2021-present, Deputy Director (Graduate and Research), Academy of Brunei Studies
- 2020 (September)-2021 (April), Acting Director, Academy of Brunei Studies
- 2020-2021, Deputy Director, Academy of Brunei Studies
- 2019-2020, Programme Leader in Graduate Studies and Research, Academy of Brunei Studies
- 2018-2019, Programme Leader in Graduate and Undergraduate Studies, Academy of Brunei Studies
- 2012-2018, Programme Leader in Graduate Studies and Research, Academy of Brunei Studies
- English
- Indonesian/Malay
- Bugis (manuscript reading, oral at intermediate level)
- Dutch (reading only)
- Makasar (manuscript reading, basic oral)
- Thai (oral and written at intermediate level)