UBD Weekly Activity 2016: APB | C3L | SOASCIS
- Garage Parking Area, APB/MTMIB/SOASCIS
Majlis Ibadah Korban dan Aqiqah Sempena Sambutan Aidiladha 1437h
- 15:45
- Dewan Serbaguna, HEP, UBD
Acara Takbir Beramai-Ramai Sempena Hari Raya Aidil Adha 1437h/2016m
- 20:30
- Jame' 'Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Kg. Kiarong
Campus Health and Safety Campaign
- 15:30
- UBD Chancellor Hall
Fun, Walk & Run
- 16:30
Exhibition on Family-Run Business
- 08:30 - 20:00
- Dermaga Di-Raja, Bandar Seri Begawan
ABS Retreat
- 08:00 - 15:30
- Rizqun Internation Hotel, Gadong
Contact Us Now Telephone: +673 2463001 ext 2664
Fax: +673 2461518
E-mail: office.apb@ubd.edu.bn
Location Click here to get directions to our location -
Admission Requirements Undergraduate Entry Requirement -
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Programme Offered Academy offered programme